
For a healthy body and mind

In a stressful modern world … We wish to provide yoga in a place where you can relax thoroughly even for an hour a week.
At Serene Yoga Studio, in addition to yoga sequences, we offer information for health and well-being, follow-ups, and we also create opportunities for new friendships through retreats and other events.

We aim to create a place where people can find contentment physically, mentally, and socially.


What is health?

Health does not just mean being without a disease or in a weakened state, but it means “a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being.” (World Health Organization’s definition of “health”)

Yoga is a way to let go of a busy mind and gain peacefulness, forget about worries and relax comfortably, and restore and soothe a tired body and mind.
If you are healthy, you will become even healthier.
If you already have an ailment, we have specialist yoga therapies.
For everyone who comes to the classes to be ‘healthy,’ Serene Yoga Studio also focuses on the range of classes and the studio environment.